Quickstart Guide

This guide will help you get started with the DexHand Python Interface.


The DexHand Python Interface provides:

  • CANFD communication interface for DexHand hardware

  • Joint-space control interface with feedback processing

  • Built-in data logging and visualization tools

  • ROS2 interface implementation

  • Hardware testing utilities


  • Linux environment

  • Python 3.8+

  • ZLG USBCANFD adapter (tested with USBCANFD-200U)

  • ROS1/ROS2 (optional, for ROS interface)

Hardware Setup

Please refer to the hardware connection diagram:

DexHand Connection Diagram


  1. Install the package:

    pip install -e .
  2. Configure USB permissions:

    sudo ./tools/setup_usb_can.sh

The setup script will:

  • Create a canbus group

  • Add your user to the group

  • Set up udev rules for the USBCANFD adapter

  • Configure appropriate permissions

You may need to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.

  1. Edit config/config.yaml to match your hardware setup, especially channels and ZCAN device type.

Usage Examples

1. Hardware Testing

Run hardware tests to verify your setup:

python tools/hardware_test/test_dexhand.py --hands right

This should move the hand through a series of predefined motions.

2. Interactive Control

CLI Option

Launch interactive control interface:

python tools/hardware_test/test_dexhand_interactive.py --hands right

This provides an IPython shell with initialized hand objects and helper functions.

Example commands:

right_hand.move_joints(th_rot=30)  # Rotate thumb
right_hand.move_joints(ff_mcp=60, ff_dip=60)  # Curl index finger
right_hand.move_joints(ff_spr=20, control_mode=ControlMode.PROTECT_HALL_POSITION)  # Spread all fingers, with alternative control mode
right_hand.clear_errors()    # Clear all error states

You can explore the API with tab completion and help commands.

GUI Option

Firstly, install the PyQt6 dependency:

pip install PyQt6    # Install other dependencies, via e.g., apt, if prompted

Then, run the GUI interface:

python examples/dexhand_gui.py

The GUI provides real-time joint angle control via sliders.

3. ROS Integration

The SDK provides a ROS interface supporting both ROS1 (rospy) and ROS2 (rclpy) environments.

Start the ROS node:

# Launch node with default configuration
python examples/ros_node/dexhand_ros.py

# Run the demo publisher
python examples/ros_node/dexhand_ros_publisher_demo.py --hands right --cycle-time 3.0









Reset hands to default position


  • Joint names in commands match the URDF file specifications

  • Configuration can be customized through config/config.yaml

  • All features work identically in both ROS1 and ROS2 environments

4. Programming Interface

Example code:

from pyzlg_dexhand import LeftDexHand, RightDexHand, ControlMode

# Initialize hand
hand = RightDexHand()

# Move thumb
    th_rot=30,  # Thumb rotation (0-150 degrees)
    th_mcp=45,  # Thumb MCP flexion (0-90 degrees)
    th_dip=45,  # Thumb coupled distal flexion

# Get feedback
feedback = hand.get_feedback()
print(f"Thumb angle: {feedback.joints['th_rot'].angle}")
print(f"Tactile force: {feedback.tactile['th'].normal_force}")

Control Modes

  • CASCADED_PID: Provides precise position control with higher stiffness

  • PROTECT_HALL_POSITION: Offers smoother response but requires joints to be in zero position at power-on

Error Handling

When a finger’s motion is obstructed by an object, it may enter an error state and become unresponsive to control signals. For reliable continuous control, call hand.clear_errors() after sending each command.

Data Logging

Built-in logging for analysis and debugging:

from pyzlg_dexhand import DexHandLogger

# Initialize logger
logger = DexHandLogger()

# Log commands and feedback
logger.log_command(command_type, joint_commands, control_mode, hand)
logger.log_feedback(feedback_data, hand)

# Generate analysis
logger.plot_session(show=True, save=True)

Logs include:

  • Joint commands and feedback

  • Tactile sensor data

  • Error states

  • Timing information

Next Steps

  • Review the API documentation for detailed interface information

  • Check out the examples directory for more usage examples

  • See the hardware test scripts for automated testing approaches