Scene Components
Core environment components for scene composition.
Base Environments
Structure: scene_sim/[name]_scene.xml
<!-- Basic environment -->
<include file="scene_sim/basic_scene.xml"/>
<!-- Indoor room -->
<include file="scene_sim/room_scene.xml"/>
Available Types:
basic_scene: Ground plane and lighting
room_scene: Enclosed space with windows
rooftop_scene: Open space with skyline
Standard Elements
<!-- Main lighting -->
<light name="main" pos="0 0 4" dir="0 0 -1" castshadow="true"/>
<!-- Window/rim lighting -->
<light name="window" pos="-2 0 2" dir="1 0 -0.5" castshadow="false"/>
Scenery Meshes:
simpleroom1.stl: Room geometry
highwindow.stl: Window frames
skyline.stl: City backdrop
wall.stl: Wall sections
Environment Textures:
dawn/night/cloudy/stormy.png: Sky conditions
high_contrast_brick.png: Wall surface
oak/maple_floorboard.png: Floor surfaces
Scene Configuration
Light Setup:
<light name="main" pos="0 0 3" dir="0 0 -1" castshadow="true"/>
<texture name="skybox" file="dawn.png" type="skybox"
width="800" height="800"/>
Room Structure:
<!-- Room geometry -->
<geom name="room" type="mesh" mesh="simpleroom1"
material="wall" contype="0" conaffinity="0"/>
<!-- Window -->
<geom name="window" type="mesh" mesh="highwindow"
material="glass" rgba="0.9 0.9 1 0.3"/>