
This section covers the actuator system in DexRobot MuJoCo, including actuator types, configuration, and control.

Actuator System


The DexHand uses position-controlled actuators:

  • One actuator per joint

  • PD control with configurable gains

  • Adjustable control and force ranges

  • Velocity damping for stability

Default Configuration

Joint Types

Bend Joints

Configuration for finger bending joints (joints 2-4):

r"[lr]_f_joint[1-5]_[2-4]": {
    "kp": "20",           # Position gain
    "kv": "0.1",         # Velocity gain
    "ctrlrange": "0 1.3", # Control limits (rad)
    "forcerange": "-20 20" # Force limits (N)

Base Rotation Joints

Configuration for finger base joints (joint 1):

# Thumb
r"[lr]_f_joint1_1": {
    "kp": "20",
    "kv": "1",
    "ctrlrange": "0 2.2",
    "forcerange": "-20 20"

# Index finger
r"[lr]_f_joint2_1": {
    "kp": "20",
    "kv": "1",
    "ctrlrange": "0 0.3",
    "forcerange": "-20 20"

# Additional fingers...

Configuration Parameters

Position Gain (kp)

  • Controls position tracking stiffness

  • Higher values: Faster response, potential instability

  • Lower values: Smoother motion, less precise tracking

  • Default: 20.0

Velocity Gain (kv)

  • Controls damping behavior

  • Higher values: More damping, slower motion

  • Lower values: Less damping, potential oscillation

  • Default: 0.1 (bend joints), 1.0 (base joints)

Control Range

  • Limits the commanded position range

  • Specified in radians

  • Format: “min max”

  • Different ranges for each joint type

Force Range

  • Limits the maximum force output

  • Specified in Newtons

  • Format: “min max”

  • Default: “-20 20” for all joints


Adding Actuators

Actuators are added using the add_position_actuators() function:

def add_position_actuators(xml_path, actuator_info):
    """Add position actuators to MJCF XML file.

        xml_path: Path to MJCF XML file
        actuator_info: Dictionary of actuator configs
    tree = ET.parse(xml_path)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # Find/create actuator element
    actuator_element = ensure_actuator_element(root)

    # Add actuators for matching joints
    for joint_pattern, props in actuator_info.items():

MJCF Structure

Generated actuator elements in MJCF:

    <position name="act_r_f_joint1_1"
             ctrlrange="0 2.2"
             forcerange="-20 20"/>
    <!-- Additional actuators -->


Basic Control

Send control signals through ROS:

# Using ROS messages
joint_msg = JointState() = ['r_f_joint1_1']
joint_msg.position = [0.5]

Direct Control

Control using the MuJoCo wrapper:

# Using MJControlWrapper
sim.send_control("act_r_f_joint1_1", 0.5)

Custom Configuration

Modifying Parameters

Create custom actuator configurations:

actuator_config = {
    "joint_pattern": {
        "kp": "custom_value",
        "kv": "custom_value",
        "ctrlrange": "min max",
        "forcerange": "min max"

add_position_actuators(xml_path, actuator_config)

Infinite Rotation

Enable infinite rotation for specific joints:

# Using MJControlWrapper


Common Issues

Unstable Control

If experiencing instability:

  1. Reduce position gain (kp)

  2. Increase velocity gain (kv)

  3. Check force limits

  4. Verify control ranges

Slow Response

If response is too slow:

  1. Increase position gain (kp)

  2. Decrease velocity gain (kv)

  3. Check force limits

  4. Verify control ranges

Next Steps

After configuring actuators: