
This section covers the sensor system in DexRobot MuJoCo, focusing on touch sensors and their configuration.

Sensor System Overview

The DexHand includes touch sensors at fingertips:

  • One touch sensor per fingertip

  • Based on MuJoCo’s built-in contact sensing

  • Configurable sensor sites

  • Real-time force feedback


Sensor Sites

Visual and physical locations for sensors:

sensor_sites = {
    "r_f_link1_4": {  # Thumb tip
        "pos": "0.025 0.003 0",
        "size": "0.01",
        "type": "sphere"
    # Additional fingertip sites...

Touch Sensors

Contact force sensors at each site:

sensor_info = {
    "touch_r_f_link1_4": {  # Thumb sensor
        "site": "site_r_f_link1_4"
    # Additional touch sensors...


Adding Sites

Sites are added using the add_sites() function:

def add_sites(xml_file_path, site_info):
    """Add sites to specific bodies.

        xml_file_path: Path to MJCF XML file
        site_info: Dictionary of site configurations
    tree = ET.parse(xml_file_path)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # Add sites to specified bodies
    for body_name, details in site_info.items():
        body = find_body(root, body_name)
        if body is not None:
            add_site_to_body(body, body_name, details)

MJCF Structure

Generated site and sensor elements:

<!-- Site definition -->
<site name="site_r_f_link1_4"
      pos="0.025 0.003 0"

<!-- Sensor definition -->
    <touch name="touch_r_f_link1_4"

Site Parameters

Position (pos)

  • Specified relative to link frame

  • Format: “x y z”

  • Typical fingertip offset


  • Sphere radius for site visualization

  • Also affects contact detection area

  • Default: 0.01 (1cm)


  • Visual representation type

  • Usually “sphere” for fingertips

  • Other options: “box”, “cylinder”


Reading Sensor Data

Via ROS Topics:

def touch_callback(msg):
    """Handle touch sensor data.

        msg (Float32MultiArray): Touch sensor values
    sensor_values =
    # Process sensor data...

# Subscribe to touch sensor topic

Via MuJoCo API:

# Using MJControlWrapper
sensor_data ="touch_r_f_link1_4").data

Data Format

  • Each sensor returns contact force magnitude

  • Values ≥ 0 (no negative forces)

  • Units: Newtons

  • Update rate: Simulation timestep


Default Setup

The default configuration adds sites and sensors to all fingertips:

# Fingertip site pattern
fingertip_names = [
    f"r_f_link{i}_4" for i in range(1, 6)

# Generate configurations
sensor_sites = {
    name: {
        "pos": "0.025 0.003 0",
        "size": "0.01",
        "type": "sphere"
    for name in fingertip_names

Custom Configuration

Add custom sensor sites:

# Custom site configuration
custom_sites = {
    "link_name": {
        "pos": "x y z",
        "size": "radius",
        "type": "shape"

# Add custom sites
add_sites(xml_path, custom_sites)
add_touch_sensors(xml_path, sensor_info)

Advanced Usage

Contact Parameters

Adjust contact properties in MJCF:

    <site friction="1 0.005 0.0001"
          solimp="0.9 0.95 0.001"
          solref="0.02 1"/>

Filtering and Processing

Example sensor data processing:

class TouchProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.history = []
        self.threshold = 0.1

    def process(self, sensor_data):
        # Apply threshold
        filtered = [
            f if f > self.threshold else 0
            for f in sensor_data

        # Store history

        # Calculate features
        mean_force = np.mean(filtered)
        max_force = np.max(filtered)
        active_sensors = sum(f > 0 for f in filtered)

        return {
            'mean': mean_force,
            'max': max_force,
            'active': active_sensors


Common Issues

No Sensor Readings

If not getting sensor data:

  1. Check site placement

  2. Verify sensor configuration

  3. Confirm contact parameters

  4. Check collision settings

Noisy Readings

If experiencing noisy data:

  1. Adjust contact parameters

  2. Implement filtering

  3. Check collision properties

  4. Verify site size and placement

Next Steps

After setting up sensors: